Sunday, July 24, 2011

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Next build!

Here's a hint :P

And it's not WZC :P

Shinanju Completed!

This model took me so damn long. I think I painted it last summer, then it sat for a loooooooong time...and I finally started building it in December. Just finished it recently. Definitely the biggest, heaviest, most difficult model I've built up to date :P There are still a few things I need to repaint but it's done for now! Enjoy!

Told you this guy's huge :P

Random shot with MG & HG Destiny and MG Freedom...and a tofu :P

Shinanju! Cont'd.

A couple progress shots!

He's a got giant beam weapon hehe

The gun (with the bazooka added) is too heavy for one arm to support :P

The gold lines aren't perfect, but it still looks really damn cool.

Just one leg weighs more than RG Char's Zaku :P

So badass!!!

HG Seven Sword + XN Raiser

Just some quick pics. This one is hard to keep balanced :P

RG Char's Zaku - Progress Pics

Just some quickly snapped in progress pics of my first RG kit. I'm really really impressed with the amount of detail in this small kit! It's extremely posable and has a full skeleton XD

I hate pipes! but it didn't turn out to be that bad :P hehe

Very bendable leg! :D Notice how the toe + foot can move too!

Random in-prog shot XD

 Showing the skeleton

Funny looking shadow

Almost complete!